查老師上週 (2/16,17,18) 摘選了賽斯早期課第九冊,這裡是示範如何應用 AI 來翻譯及解釋賽斯名詞,以第429節以及 Copilot / Gemini 示範:
早期課第九冊 第429節 存有的時間概念
早期課第九冊 第430節 在過去之前的未來
早期課第九冊 第433節 多維人格 非時間
早期課第九冊 第437節 無時間 靈性環境的影響
早期課第九冊 第438節 事件源於無時間

如何利用 AI 幫助自己讀賽斯原文資料

大家來玩 AI
Copilot / Gemini

賽斯早期課第九冊 第429節


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Copilot precise 4000 精確模式

Now. As I have told you, there is duration of a kind. What would correspond, in any case, to your idea of duration within the spacious present ; it is a matter of intensities however. Now the entity is in itself composed of such intensities. Simply for the sake of analogy, imagine the image, a humanoid one, of an entity giant-sized, spread out anywhere in your physical universe. And if the image were projected against a midnight sky, within its apparent boundaries then you would see a multitude of planets and stars. Let these represent moment points. On one hand they are a part of the entity, as your cells are a portion of your body. On the other hand the entity’s consciousness can travel through these. They are doorways within his own psychological makeup, into experiences.

It is as if you could consciously come to terms with each of your own cells and become aware, in your terms, of their future and their past. This traveling- through obviously changes the nature of the moment points. It is, again, action working within itself. The time element, as you understand it, hardly exists.

Now the image analogy is in some respects distortive, but good enough for our present purposes. For as you think of the matter of your cells as only matter, then it is hard to follow our analogy. But when you realize that your own body cells are much more than physical, contain their own capsule comprehension, then you will see that they could, at least theoretically, operate in such a manner if you could throw your own consciousness into them, and perceive their seemingly alien experience.

The entity and its time are not separate. They are one. Basically time is simply psychological experience, regardless of the lapses between perception or the manner of perception. The entity is its own experience.

Time could be thought of as the tissues of the entity. These would be ever- changing. In our analogy, the projected image would seem to float, including ever-different stars and planets within its boundaries. Your own time structure would be very minute in this picture.

Now the moment points could also represent various personalities belonging to the entity, portions of its own consciousness that it sends upon the journeys of exploration and discovery. It is as if the nuclei of a cell could travel through itself. The boundaries of the entity would be imaginary, taking in as many moment points as the entity felt it could handle. (Pause.)







Now. Some personalities can be a part of more than one entity. This is something I do not believe we have discussed before.

(“No.” Entirely new, and interesting, data.)
The entities, being action, always shift and change. There is nothing arbitrary about their boundaries. The personalities have the same freedom. Like fish, they can swim to other streams. Within them is the knowledge of all their relationships.

Any personality may become an entity on its own. This involves a highly developed knowledge of the use of energy and its intensities. As atoms have a mobility, so do psychological structures in their own way. They move through the value climate of psychological reality as freely as atoms move through your time.

Value fulfillment corresponds to your time in that area. You may take a break and we will continue.

Now. What I am trying to tell you is that a thought or a feeling, with all its varieties of intensities, is more like time, like the true nature of time, than all of your minutes or hours.

A thought can be intense, then partially fade and grow intense again. (Pause.) Its own nature regulates its intensity, rather than any rules inherent in the nature of intensity itself. Some of these concepts are difficult to explain to you. In your terms it would be as if you experienced a future event, then a distant past event, then a moment from the present. You would not understand what was going on, nor see the inner logic within.

There is some slight analogy here in your associative processes, where you might think of a person as you have known him in different periods of time, and hold that idea in your present; but that does little to give you the concepts complexity. This session, for that matter, will have to develop into others, for I have concentrated some material about which you will have many questions when you read it.

You must simply and practically try to divest yourself of all ideas of time as you know it, for this discussion. Basically, what you call time does not exist. I am trying to tell you what does exist instead. The question of time and entities then, you see, cannot be truly answered in the manner in which you asked it.

Non time and entities—now that is another matter. (Smile.) For that is what we shall really be discussing.

Now you cannot hold too many thoughts in your head, in quotes “at the same time,” and many of your own thoughts escape you consciously. Entities are aware of all of their personalities, and keep track of them far better than you keep track of your own thoughts.

These personalities themselves are constantly developing and changing, as one thought can change into another, or bring forth another. The subjective experience of these personalities, the psychological existence of these personalities (Long pause), is composed of (Pause, frown) dimensions of value fulfillment, as considering your time, hours are composed of moments.

In this case however, the hours as well as the moments would be themselves conscious and alive. I do not know how much you will get from this session. We well have to clear up many points for you, but we have to begin somewhere with various analogies to make a dent.

As a sort of shock treatment, we must almost forcibly rip out your stereotyped ideas of time before we can carry this particular subject matter further.

Give us a moment.

I was not annoyed. I did not want however to become involved with the matter at that time, since you have no idea where it would lead us.

There are times when various circumstances are correct, and when these occur messages from your artist friend (Van Elver) come in very strongly, and often suddenly. On occasion the connection is far less than perfect, and there is a strain on his part and mine. So as a rule we automatically wait until our signals are clear.
















有時候,各種情況都是正確的,當這些情況發生的時候,你的藝術家朋友(Van Elver)的信息會非常強烈地,並且經常突然地傳來。有時候,連接遠不夠完美,他和我都有壓力。所以,通常我們會自動等待,直到我們的信號清晰。

Now behind that simple explanation, you see, there are many subjects that we have not as yet embarked upon. I did not mean to put off an answer. I was simply not ready to give you a full one.
Now, you may take a break or end the session as you prefer.

(“Well, I guess we can end it then. “)

You must remember that the word, time, is itself distorted. It projects limitations upon other systems of reality that do not exist. We must use it for our explanations, but nontime comes far closest to the reality.

(Humorously.) No time is my time… Now, I wish you a hearty good evening, and my fondest wishes to you both.




