多次元創新遊樂場 第012期
博客來-賽斯早期課 5 |
博客來-賽斯早期課 6 | 博客來-賽斯早期課 7 | 博客來-賽斯早期課 8 | 博客來-賽斯早期課 9
01:31 夢進化與價值完成 第922節
05:05 回到自身 回到自己的思想 自己的感覺
你比較容易理解你的知曉者 Helper 怎麼去發展去取得最有 創造性的訊息
就是你內在的知曉者 knower
12:10 早期課 偉大的藝術家
早期課第八冊 第383節 偉大的藝術家 Great artists
你再重新允許你自己更多的內在自由,這樣你就允許了你自己看到了這一點。有一些 – 有些(下劃線)扭曲,只是因為你在根據當前的知識解釋這幅畫。 (珍平躺在沙發上。)
You are allowing yourself more inner freedom again, and so you permitted yourself to see this. There were some—some (underlined) distortions, simply because the painting was interpreted in the light of your present knowledge. (Jane lay flat on her back on the divan.)
這裡還有好多作者不理解的東西,但是他已經接近了最佳的方法,並且你可以利用它們。你要繪製的畫,確實存在,因為在某種意義上,你已經創造了這幅肖像。 (珍又躺下了。)它們是以潛在的形式存在。但這可以說,任何其他人,從宇宙能量中獲得它們是不現實的。它們調諧在你的身上,只有你特定的個性特徵,才配備得能夠得到它們。在這裡你明白嗎?
There is much more here that the author does not understand, but he has hit upon excellent methods, and you can take advantage of them. The paintings that you will paint do exist, because you have in one sense the potential to create them. (Jane again lay down.) They exist in potential form. It is not true however that anyone else could pick them up, so to speak, from cosmic energy. They are attuned to you, and only your particular individuality is equipped to pick them up. Do you understand here?
I am. I’m not developing your abilities to the point where you can tune in on these paintings, that belong to your whole self, you impede your progress, and to that extent deny portions of creativity.
The paintings already exist however as definite potential forms, already created by your whole self. Only you can give them physical reality however. You can only fail in not giving them physical form, and you can only fail to give them physical form by refusing to open up your inner channels to the intuitions of the whole self.
換句話說,你們才能的自然發展已經存在。你只不過是必須在直覺上要做好準備,並確保是有生氣的準備,這些發展就會在你那裡出現。 (停頓)偉大的藝術家,就是那些,把整體自己已經以潛在形式中創造好的繪畫,在肉體中進行物質化的人。
The natural development of your abilities in other words already exists. You must merely be ready, intuitively alive, prepared and assured, and these developments will appear to you. (Pause.) Great artists are those who materialize physically the paintings already created by the whole self in potential form.
博客來-個人實相的本質 | 博客來-死過一次才學會愛 (電子書) | 博客來-夢、進化與價值完成(卷一) |博客來-夢、進化與價值完成(卷二) | 博客來-拜倫凱蒂的轉念作業一念之轉 | 博客來-賽斯早期課 3
The post 多次元創想遊樂場: 012 每個人都有你的「幫助者」Helper 就是你內在的知曉者 knower first appeared on 美國新時代基金會 洛杉磯講堂.